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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

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Definitions for things are very very helpful to understanding things clearly. For example, what is the definition of marriage. Some people would say marriage is a union of a man and a woman. Spiritual people would say that it is a union of a soul of a man and a woman. But the true definition of marriage is that it is not a union at all, it is a reunion. Two halves of a soul, divided at birth into male and female, who are reunited in a marriage. Then it is really a marriage.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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A young man once went to the home of an older Chassid. He knocked on the door but nobody answered. He knocked again; he came back- tried repeatedly- until finally the older Chassid answered the door. And the young man said: "I came to get instruction to be taught how to be a mentsch. Teach me how to be a mentsch". The older Chassid replied "the lesson has already begun. I didn’t let you in when I didn’t want you to come in, and I do let you in when I want you to come in. A mentsch can bring in what he wants and leave out what he doesn’t want. A mentsch is not a victim of his environment".

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Random thoughts on Morality and War

A. morality is meant to save lives and bring peace. One does not die for ones morality-
Self sacrifice should be reserved for religious issues

B. Morality should make you stronger not weaker, it should work for you not against you

C. The only excuse for war is self defense, the only purpose of war is peace

D. Morality that is nice on the surface but ends in death is not morality at all

E. We cannot control our enemies misbehavior, but we may not contribute to it

F. Self defense is a moral obligation not a right

G. Peace comes not for the love of peace but from the dread of war

H. Self defense means:to do whatever it takes to insure the safety of your people

I.The west fights every war with one hand tied behind their back, nice sentiment but not morally correct.
The moral form of war is :

A war fought to conclusion not to a stand still

A war fought to a quick victory so the country can go back to normal life

A war that brings at least forty years of peace

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Monday, January 18, 2010

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